So basically, it comes down to this. I do NOT have a cold anymore. The thing would be ridiculous. So what is this crap that is hanging on for dear life, clinging to my face like an octopus with an anxiety disorder? What is it that's causing my lungs and throat to tickle, prickle and itch?
Dudes, it's allergies. I held out for as long as I could; I pretended there were no such things; I called it a "summer cold," a "bug," a "virus;" but friends, I have actual real allergies. No, seriously. I KNOW.
Do you know how I know this? My friend D offered me a Benadryl yesterday, and once I got used to thinking in slow motion and walking into things, I realized that my nose was clear. I was not coughing. And this meant only one thing. If allergy medicine worked like magic on my symptoms...
Sigh. I guess I'm a goddamn delicate flower.
In other news, the car? Possessed. Possessed by the devil. No, wait, it IS the devil. The devil made out of car. And it is mine. Golly, what a lucky gal I am.
The alarm problem, we thought, was solved, after a nonstop blaring session at a local mall and a frazzled call to the car dealership. They told us how to reset it, and we did. And there was peace in the valley. Right up untilllll.... now. When I got home from dropping my guy off at work, I locked the car. And accidentally set the alarm. And then, in the process of trying to UNset the alarm, I set it off. And it just kept on going off. And a call to the husband, who was in the barrel last time this happened, informed me as to how to make it reset.
Except it didn't work. Didn't work. DIDN'T WORK. Any of the EIGHT times I tried.
So now the car's down there with a battery terminal off. I wish a mofo WOULD try to steal it right now. I'd laugh and laugh and laugh. And also point while I laughed.
So that's my week so far. How are you?
Finally fixed it. Garsh, that was annoying. Lucky, lucky me...
If you go to Costco, they have Alertek which is a generic Zertek. Works great for me.
Subaru--Japanese for "So, you got us at Midway"...
I have a Subaru Forester and I LOVE it. It kept me from being injured in a serious accident. It has been a perfect car until a couple of days ago when the rear wiper inexplicably began wiping. Sometimes fast, sometimes a couple of minutes would go by before it wiped. Very weird.
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